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Project Happiness Articles — fitness

Blog posts from happiness experts, covering everything from gratitude, mindfulness, social emotional learning, altruism and service, wellness, freedom, forgiveness, social connection, purpose, soul, self-love, compassion, and everything under the massive happiness umbrella. Browse our blog posts, or write for us!

Why We Need a Schedule for Eating (and Sleeping)

From an evolutionary perspective, we know that we have not experienced any meaningful genetic mutations from our Sapiens ancestors who roamed the planet some 70,000 years ago. Yet our culture and lifestyle are completely different now. Then, we used to be hunter-gatherers. We walked anywhere from 7km to 18km a day [1], we ate a balanced, healthy diet of whatever was available in one place – from fruits to edible roots, plants, and the odd animal – and we slept through the night.
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Benefits Of Martial Arts For Our Mental Health

Martial arts is an ancient sport that survives to this day in many forms. Though many people view it as violent and don’t think it has any suitable benefits, it’s actually about the opposite of violence. It’s about finding peace within yourself and coping with daily life with your feet firmly on the ground. T
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The Importance of Physical Wellness and How to Reach It

Wellness, contrary to belief, is not just about the absence of illness. There’s more to the quality of our life than simply not being sick, and modern-day living can sometimes make it difficult to remember this. We get stuck in that fast-paced chaos of work, errands, and appointments, and we barely notice how much it drains us, bit by bit, until we’re completely exhausted.
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Shine Bright! Race For Wellness with Project Happiness

Are you feeling stalled-out in your health and fitness journey? I would like to invite you to join me and the #RaceForWellness with Project Happiness. There are a lot of amazing things about this event. It can be difficult to stay positive and maintain your creative juices if you’re feeling drained. That’s why it’s so important to put an emphasis on wellbeing and mental health.
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The Best Nonprescription Antidepressant You’ll Ever Find!

We have all heard that exercise is good for us. The physical benefits, ranging from reducing the chances of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes to lowering blood pressure, are no surprise. Or that we sleep better, feel better and probably look healthier too. But beyond that, what are the mental and emotional benefits?
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How Do I Log My Miles For The #RaceForWellness?

You may be thinking, "I love the Race For Wellness so far, but I'd really like some instructions on how to log my workouts!" Well.....we're here to help! Here is a detailed blog with everything you need to know.
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5 Fundamental Ways to Incorporate More Wellness Into Your Life

Wellness has become a bit of a buzzword these days, but what does it really mean? Clearly, it has to do with being well, but in order to achieve true wellness, we have to dig a little deeper. Wellness is a state of being healthy in the mind, body, and soul. You can work intensely on your physical fitness, but if you ignore your mental health, your body still will not be well.
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The Spirit of The Marathon

Like the Camino de Santiago is a pilgrimage for any Christian, Mecca a pilgrimage for any Muslim, Burning Man a pilgrimage for any festival goer, a marathon is a pilgrimage for any runner. In the words of Nike, you’ve gotta just do it!
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Is Yoga Really What Africa Needs?

Let’s start by addressing the question that comes up most when I share about the Africa Yoga Project: “Is Yoga really what Africa needs?” Although this question was once a source of frustration, I now see it as a great way to open up the conversation of what yoga is truly about and how our understanding has become limited in modern times.
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5 Steps To Take When Anxiety Builds Up

Anxiety – what is it? There are so many different levels of Anxiety and some can be so severe that could lead to a panic attack (which if you haven’t experienced - can be so overwhelming it almost feels like a heart attack! ).
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