Wes Anderson has already shown us that one way to find your true self is to get on board on The Darjeeling Limited, but going on a spiritual journey through India with your two brothers is not the only way to go. His fairy-tale train is simply a metaphor, representing the biggest truth in our lives - in order to truly find yourself you need to get lost first.
In this world where man has adapted nature to himself, we think we know who we are because we’re surrounded by materialism that’s whispering to our ear that we exist. But deep inside we’re all lost, our souls hungry for places that still have some archetype of a wonder we’re eagerly searching.
That’s why we’ve put together this short list of destinations where you can find your soul food and reconnect with your inner self again.
Many people connect spiritual journey with an image of an open, endless, blue sea. That’s not very far from the truth, and that is why one of the most popular life-changing destinations is an Indonesian island called Bali.
But it’s popularity is not due only to the beautiful beaches - the strongest point of this destination is the fact it offers two kinds of life-changing experiences. Going on a journey in order to find yourself doesn’t mean it has to be a spiritual one.
Sometimes all you have to do is just let go - to run into the water with a surfboard and catch that wave and later look at the magnificent sunset with a bottle of beer in your hand.
You will find all that in Canggu, a place that looks like it’s been made for surfers and their ultra-hip way of life. On the other hand, if you feel you should be below the wave in order to sink into a sea of spirituality, all you have to do is to move to Ubud, which is the center of island’s spirituality.
And we’re not talking about temples, but rice fields and beautiful green landscapes that will immediately leave an imprint on your soul, while various yoga centers and excellent vegan cuisine will take care of your body.
In order to find your true self, you don’t have to swim - talking a walk can be as much effective. You could walk right out of your old life like Harry Dean Stanton did in Wim Wenders’ ‛Paris, Texas’. Of course, you don’t need to go through everything his character went through in order to make a walk worth a while and there are a lot better places than Texas for the experience.
While New Zealand is best-known as a ‛peaceful country of Hobbits’, if you want a real type of life-changing walking holiday you’ll find it in Western Australia.
The breathtaking nature, ancient forests and magnificent whales are just the beginning. After you walk for a while through the canyons, surrounded by rugged mountains and spectacular landscapes you’ll reach such a meditative state that you’ll almost be able to hear famous Ry Cooder’s soundtrack.
This magnificent scenery will definitely take your breath away and you’ll return refreshed and forever changed.
3. Stairway to heavenAgain, we’re not gonna talk about temples. If you’re looking for pleasant solitude, you’ll be sure to find it inside a hut on the Austrian Alps. Instead of being surrounded by walls (with frescoes or without them) you’ll be surrounded only by mountains and fresh air. And if you want some time really alone, here you can easily find a place without a soul nearby.
But the best thing is that this kind of solitude doesn't require keeping still. If you think that renouncing the material world in front of an altar can strengthen your spirit, then you’ve never tried some serious mountain climbing.
Stress can be a great barrier obstacle on the journey to the center of our being and there’s nothing more efficient to get rid of it than some healthy physical activity. We’re not saying you should try to conquer the highest peak - plain hiking, working around animals and a barefoot stroll through an ice-cold stream will be enough to push your inner boundaries.
With all due respect to the wise and the faithful, we are not gonna find our true self between the covers of a book or inside temples. In order to connect to the essence of our being, we need to connect with the place we come from - with nature. Looking at the endless blue sea, the labyrinth of canyons or proud mountain tops is like looking inside your own soul.
About Nina Simons
Nina is a lifestyle blogger, yoga aficionado and a travel enthusiast with a distinctive taste for home decor. She's passionate about learning new things and sharing meaningful ideas. In her free time, she loves to design clothes and furniture. If you wanna see what she's up to you can find her on https://twitter.com/