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“A successful life is one that is lived through understanding and pursuing one's own path, not chasing after the dreams of others… “

A diagnosis of breast cancer marks the beginning of a journey full of emotional, psychological, physical and sobering challenges. 

My personal journey started on the 5th September 2013 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. 

The internal “make over” began just prior to my cancer diagnoses; a redundancy in June and the realisation that my family relationships were in turmoil. I didn’t love myself and I wasn’t living my truth and it was debilitating on all levels of my life.

When I was diagnosed on that day in spring, I sat in the doctor’s chamber reflecting and thinking I have manifested breast cancer through negative thoughts, stress, anxiety and depression in my body, mind and spirit. Dis-ease branded across my forehead was an awkward reminder that I needed to change my life. When you are presented with such a big wakeup call you stop and listen! My life was automatically thrust into an intensive self-healing journey. It was vital to re-evaluate my whole life and so I decided to focus on change for the following year.

I spent time in nature. I undertook self-analysis, deep inner reflection and journal writing, letters to loved ones, self-esteem workshops, and holistic therapies. I learnt to accept and forgive myself and others. I let go of past regrets and guilt and hidden truths and resolved inner sadness. I was taking personal responsibility, examining and releasing bad habits that no longer served me. Through the pain and utter despair, I was shedding skin like a reborn snake. I was forming new rules to live by and leaving my painful past behind.

Girl walking down a path

Through deep reflection, I created my own life plan and a new pathway on how I would live my life and I am discovering in the process my life purpose. By doing daily energy work, affirmations, prayer and regular meditation practice, my reality is unfolding and the fog that was my life was finally lifting.  I discovered stillness of the mind through meditation. My mind was finally quiet, and my inner emotions were subsiding like ice melting in the snow. In the early stages of stillness and meditation I felt like a weakened windswept tree, my legs ached, numbness & tingling waved all over my body, an aching heart and salty tears surrounded me during many of my sittings.

I had so many people assist me on this climb and for the very first time I asked for help. The compassion and kindness from practitioners and the self determination of my own spirit made my life easier during this challenging life transition. I will always be so grateful for their comforting support and guidance and for being able to regain my life back.

group of friends hugging

I had a mastectomy on my right breast on the 1st April (April fool’s Day!!!) I am sure there is a hidden message and it all went smoothly. So now my forecast is to live life to the fullest. I am the happiest I have ever been, and my mind and body are living in peace & harmony. My cancer road was a demanding reminder that I needed to remember who I was and live my life on purpose. I announce blissfully that I am a willing warrior of breast cancer. I remember observing a vase sitting gracefully on my table, watching the petals of a tightly budded rose unfold.  I could see myself as the bud, many hidden talents and inner resources; my own petals were unfolding into gems of outward wisdom.

I am planning a trip overseas to celebrate my greatness and the love I have for myself.  I will review my career, and I plan to empower, teach and help others. I am now listening to my inner knowing and following the path of least resistance.

My new Motto: “I dreamed a thousand paths; I woke and walked my own”

ROSE- petals in the heart  ( Poem ) 🌹

The beauty of a rose
Residing in the heart
The petals are unfurling
The beauty
reaches outward
Inner knowing
Touching many hearts
Such peace much joy
each petal reflecting
inner love
time passing patiently
petals in the heart
In silent witness
Majestically in crystal
rays of white light
Reflecting in the sunlight
Petals in the heart
bowing downwards
to embrace Mother Earth
inner wisdom
beyond beautiful
petals falling
Returning home
Petals in the heart


Lesley KennedyAbout Lesley Kennedy
When I experienced a health crisis of breast cancer my life unexpectedly unravelled. My passion is creating elegant hats, teaching and helping others. I have incorporated beautiful hats into my writing. In this process I connect to my inner emotions and thoughts by bringing more conscious awareness and developing healthier perceptions.  This has strengthen the relationship with myself by becoming more loving, peaceful, complete, whole and secure. My writing is a cathartic platform and offers the opportunity to heal and help others. My education and career background is diverse having worked for many years in the early childhood sector and management. Training and teaching in corporate environments. Project management and strategic planning. I live in Brisbane Australia the sunny state of Queensland. I currently work in sales and enjoy building strong connections and relationships with my customers and imparting a positive, helpful and happy approach in all that I do.

Instagram: @bliss_be_hat
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lesley.kennedy.169