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Celebrating International Day of Happiness this year – Project Happiness is proud to be one of the featured experts in the Virtual Field Trip, "Discover Your Happy," hosted by Discovery Education and LG Electronics USA.

On International Day of Happiness, classrooms, students, and parents from across the globe tuned in for a watch party, where the 26-minute video short was debuted, along with a live Twitter chat, and follow-up curriculum including classroom activities, and family activities.

students enjoying the virtual field trip

The impactful program exposed students and educators to the Science of Happiness, with real-life students and stories featuring one of our High School Happiness Clubs, Sachem East High School in Long Island, NY; the asserts that there are sustainable happiness skills that can be taught and learned. The goal of "Discover Your Happy" is to create awareness that happiness is more than a fleeting feeling, that sustainable happiness is achievable, and that there are a set of skills that can be taught, learned and practiced to help anyone in their journey toward happiness.

students watching the virtual field trip

Accessible standards-aligned materials found on the Discover Your Happy website helps students identify actionable ways to start their journey toward sustainable happiness. The immersive experience also inspires and encourages them to bring happiness to their communities.

“Helping my students identify actionable ways to thrive, by teaching them the science behind happiness, provides them with prosocial advantages at home, at school and in their communities,” said Brandon Wislocki, fifth grade teacher, Irvine (Calif.) Unified School District. “Providing them with an awareness that happiness is more than a fleeting feeling, that sustainable happiness is achievable, and that there are a set of skills that can be taught, learned, and practiced to help them in their journey toward happiness, centers their concentration and helps them to alleviate stress.” 

discover your happy student

If you missed the live Virtual Field Trip or viewing party, the video and resources are available now ON DEMAND at LearnExperienceHappiness.com and will become available through Discovery Education Streaming.

Please send us any stories or pictures of your students watching or participating in the Virtual Field Trip! We would love to feature them, with your permission!
