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Sleep is a crucial part of the day and decides how the next day will play out for us. Too much sleep and we might miss out on important tasks. Not getting enough sleep will result in lack of energy throughout the day.

With all the changes in lifestyle over the past decade, stress is always looming over the head and frequently prevents us from getting a good night of sleep. Here are some things to keep in mind when setting up your regular place to sleep.

The Bed

It is where you are going to sleep and hence is the most important piece of the puzzle.

  • Bed: It should be of the appropriate size and dimension to fit all the occupants. It should not be too big so that the room feels too cluttered and there is no free space left in the room.
  • Mattress: It should be comfortable. Not too stiff or too soft. Getting a good mattress might seem like a big money move at the beginning, but it is a long term investment and is worth the money. The mattress should be cleaned every month or so. They also need to be replaced every 7-10 years. If you feel like you had a better sleep in a hotel room or over at a friend’s house, it might be time to replace your mattress.


  • Sheets: They should be breathable, and you should try and test different types of cloth and thread count to decide the perfect material. They should be cleaned on a weekly
  • Pillows: They should be soft but too many pillows make the bed cluttered and can make the bed uncomfortable to sleep in.
  • Blanket: The recent researches show that using weighted blanket results in better and longer sleep, and helps to resist anxiety.  

The Bedroom

While the bed is where you sleep, the bedroom itself plays a huge role in your sleep cycle. Here are a few things to keep in mind while selecting your bedroom in your newly bought house, or a few tips to renovating your room.

  • De-Clutter Your Room: Clutter can stress you out. Put the dirty clothes to the specific place, and make the bed every morning before you leave the sleeping room, as the research shows that people who follow these rules sleep better at night.
  • Windows: Make sure the room has windows that let in sunlight. While you would keep them closed while sleeping, it is important that the room is bright and sunny during days. Curtains must be heavy and dark so that they prevent any unwanted sound and light coming from the outside that may disturb your sleep.


  • Aromatherapy: It creates an atmosphere that is relaxing and calming, which can help you wind down to sleep. It helps to overcome anxiety and pacifies your mind. It’ also good as part of a routine that, through continued use, your brain will pick up as a cue that it's almost time for bed. The most relaxing scents to use are lavender and vanilla.
  • Lighting: Avoid using any gadgets in bed. For those who get up at night, using a night light or a flashlight can help you fall back asleep quicker in comparison to a standard bulb or LED. Having dimmers can also help as the brightness of the lights can be controlled.
  • Temperature: Scientists suggest that 70 degrees Fahrenheit or 20 degrees Celsius is the appropriate temperature to sleep at.
  • Color: Follow these rules of thumb when it comes to deciding on a color for your bedroom walls, bedding and decor:
    • Light pastels are calming, as are neutral, earth- or skin-based tones.
    • Darker colors will make the room feel smaller and perhaps more cosy (unless you’re claustrophobic).
    • When decorating and choosing accent pieces, take care to select colors parallel to each other on the color wheel rather than ones that contrast. The contrast in color is stimulating to the eyes and thus not calming.

Some important Sleep Tips:

  • Avoid Caffeine: Avoid caffeine late at nights to fall asleep quicker.
  • Light Dinner: Avoid consumption of heavy meals before sleep as it may result in indigestion.
  • Bed Rules: Use your bed just for sleeping, so that when you finally enter your bed late at night, your brain knows it is time to wind down and sleep.
  • Sleep Schedule: Make a sleep schedule and stick to it religiously, even on weekends.
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Sleeping Good, Living Good

A good night sleep can do wonders to your life. With better mental health, you will find a constructive change in your persona. You will feel motivated, and your efficiency will increase. Use these tips and observe the difference yourself!

Guest blogger Ben Hannson is a health blogger from Maryland. He's a certified dietitian currently writing articles for several health blogs (anxiety, martial arts, and different types of diets).