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Project Happiness Articles — inspirational

Blog posts from happiness experts, covering everything from gratitude, mindfulness, social emotional learning, altruism and service, wellness, freedom, forgiveness, social connection, purpose, soul, self-love, compassion, and everything under the massive happiness umbrella. Browse our blog posts, or write for us!

Surprising Things That Could Boost Your Mood And Inspire Healthy Habits

We all get down in the dumps from time to time – it’s only natural, and there are a million things daily that can throw your mood off. Sometimes, a particular event results in you just really needing to take some time and embrace the blues. And that’s okay. But when you feel like you're in a slump for too long or for no particular reason at all, the real challenge is to will yourself to get out of it.
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Project Happiness featured on The Happiness Club Interview Series!

We are excited to announce that our CEO and Founder, Randy Taran, has been featured on The Happiness Club Interview Series.  She was interviewed by Bestselling Author, Inspirational Speaker, Happiness Expert and Founder of The Happiness Club, Jo Howarth. The interview series stars happiness experts from around the world.
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Spend More Time In The WILD

Facing mental health issues leaves you caught in the headlights. It strips you of everything you think is essential and forces you to reevaluate your life, and that's what has happened to me. Crazy, I know, but thats how my issues with mental health can alter my thinking. And yet I am not my illness, and every day I strive to take up the challenge to celebrate life for all that it is.
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LG 'Experience Happiness' Initiative Grows

On the path to help equip 5.5 million American youth with the skills for sustainable happiness, LG Electronics USA is joining forces with “Project Happiness,” a respected non-profit whose mission aligns with the unique new LG social responsibility initiative called “Life’s Good: Experience Happiness.”
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Get On Board With Your 2018

I've discovered that some people love setting goals around this time of year and others hate it - like seriously despise it. Whatever category you fall into is fine by me, but I believe anyone can benefit from making a vision board. It's a physical, tangible reminder of what you want the coming months to reflect.
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A Step into the Sahara out of my Comfort Zone

"Whatever you can do or dream, you can begin. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now." - Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
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Loving Light

By shedding loving light on ourselves we find a new appreciation and reverence. We look at ourselves and others with more humanity, grace and compassion. 
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It's the Little Things in Life: Happiness Practices Around the World

All over the world, people have found their own ways to brighten up a difficult day without the need to spend money. Our new series of illustrations takes a look at a few that you might like to try for yourself.
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Can Jumping Really Lead to Joy?

As I continued to jump on the trampoline with Annie and Jack, a rush of joy came over me, and it felt as though I had found the very thing I hadn’t even known I was looking for. I felt fully present.
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