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Project Happiness Articles — presence

Blog posts from happiness experts, covering everything from gratitude, mindfulness, social emotional learning, altruism and service, wellness, freedom, forgiveness, social connection, purpose, soul, self-love, compassion, and everything under the massive happiness umbrella. Browse our blog posts, or write for us!

Why You Should Limit Your Daily Technology Use

Limiting your daily technology use is a goal almost anyone can undertake. It can be a New Year’s resolution, and (funnily enough) there are plenty of apps to help you out. Here are just a few reasons you should think about minimizing how much technology you use.
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7 Common Roadblocks Keeping You from the Life You Want

As a licensed naturopathic physician with twenty years of integrative medical practice under my belt, I have seen over and over again that when people are trying to make change—whether this is a diet change, a lifestyle change, or an attitude change—their limitations, habits, and tendencies can get in the way of their best intentions.
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‘I Don’t Know’ as the Perfect Answer

I am at this gorgeous new mall and I want to buy a new dress, but I can’t decide. Time is running out, I am getting late and I have to make it quick. Have you ever walked out of a store simply because you don’t know what to buy? Well then, welcome to the ‘don’t know’ block.
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How to Spend Time Alone

It’s surprising how often each of us worry about our social situation or experience loneliness and lack of connection, yet how little time we spend exploring ourselves. I’ve learned that spending time by myself actually enhances my ability to connect with other people. It turns out that as I spend time understanding myself it helps me understand and connect with others.
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Living With The End In Mind

At first, this title makes us feel like we’re entering a dark room. But I promise this darkness won’t stay for long, and by the end of the article, as our mind understands and gets comfortable with this truth of life, we will see bursts of light.
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Do You Want A Better Relationship With Someone? Try This...

We all have relationships that fade over time, where someone is more invested than the other. Or times when we begin to want more out of an existing relationship. One of the greatest opportunities to deepen a relationship is sharing how much the relationship means to you and the gap in the relationship you’ve observed.
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5 Signs That Your Long-Distance Relationship is Worth It

All relationships come with their trials and tribulations. All take hard work and dedication, give and take from both sides in order to be successful. Every relationship has its unique quirks and intricacies, circumstances and compromises. Whether you are together every day or live in different cities, or even different countries, relationships are always worth it.
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The Difference Between Being Nice and Being Kind

A few years ago I had a conversation with my cousin Stephen. We were catching up over lunch. He said something to me that was initially very offensive, and still sticks with me years later: "You are a really nice person, but it comes off very fake." Taken aback, I asked him to explain more. He shared that my perma-smile and optimistic attitude just didn’t feel genuine. He didn’t connect with my attitude.
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Happiness Is Your Birthright

You thoughts create a cause and an effect. When you sow a thought, you reap a like result. Those consequences become your reality in which you live. Now when you think of something you send a vibrational message to bring that into your reality - like attracts like.
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How To Find Your Flow

I attended a workshop recently on the topic of flow or what some people refer to as “the zone.”  We were discussing that professional athletes, musicians, and experts, create their best work in the zone. So, is being in “the zone” just for the extraordinary or can we mere mortals, doing well but seeking to do better, learn the tricks of the trade?  
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