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Project Happiness Articles — Psychology

Blog posts from happiness experts, covering everything from gratitude, mindfulness, social emotional learning, altruism and service, wellness, freedom, forgiveness, social connection, purpose, soul, self-love, compassion, and everything under the massive happiness umbrella. Browse our blog posts, or write for us!

5 Tips to Deal with Anxiety

Acknowledge and Fight the Stigma – A recent NPR interview with Author and Professor Dr. Anthony Rostain discusses the burgeoning mental health epidemic on college campuses. A record number of students are feeling anxious and find it difficult to get help even though they know it is available. In some cases, students might even be adamantly against it. Why? Well, the reasons vary but one stands out – denial or procrastination. Only 1 in 4 students get the counseling.  
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Why Self-Transcendence Deserves Discussion

Let’s begin with discussing some very important . Some of the most fascinating areas of human activity is the ability to progress above life situations and circumstances. Humans have this stunning and intrinsic ability to manifest things from within there internal functionality to the external world.
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Why Millennials Are So Dedicated to Practicing Mindfulness?

The famous generation of young entrepreneurs, parents, and innovators – Millennials, sure have quite a reputation to uphold, and equally numerous stereotypes to debunk. They are slowly overtaking the customer throne from Baby Boomers, and are becoming the largest pool of consumers in the world. Many of them are still struggling with student loans, paying off their debt, and making their way in the competitive startup world, all at a single go.
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Nutrition and Happiness - What's the relationship?

Recently, a study was published to answer the simple question "If I eat better, will I feel better?" It was aptly called the 'Smiles' study and it turned out, that for over 30% of people who were suffering from depression who took part in the study, the answer was yes it does! Diet is one aspect that gets very little attention when it comes to mental health and well being – or indeed the concept of happiness.
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5 Steps To Take When Anxiety Builds Up

Anxiety – what is it? There are so many different levels of Anxiety and some can be so severe that could lead to a panic attack (which if you haven’t experienced - can be so overwhelming it almost feels like a heart attack! ).
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Making Friends with Our Minds

What if, regardless what we're going through, we choose to see our minds as a tool, a friend, a co-creator in our path towards freedom and wellness? What if we see the issue, label or whatever we're annoyed at our minds for, as a separate entity i.e. not part of the mind itself, but a passing albeit unwanted visitor?
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I'm Coming Out - And I'm Not Gay

I was deeply sad when I was supposed to be happy, which was a good description for how I had been feeling for as long as I could remember. And so a few months later, in a country where people are more likely to admit to having had liposuction than they would admit to (or even consider) having their mental health checked, I walked into a psychiatrist’s office for the very first time.
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Does Learning Make You A Happier Person?

Happiness seems out of reach, but we believe we have a way you can use the knowledge in your pocket to make you a happier person. In this article we discuss the link between happiness and learning, and some great ways you can go about learning something new to get happy.
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How do you create happier workplaces? Randy Hosts Wellbeing@Work Global Summit

Corporate wellness is helping organisations to attract and retain talent, reduce absenteeism and create happier and healthy workplaces! The Wellbeing at Work Event includes a programme of influential speakers, debating panels, workshops and networking sessions where delegates can ask questions, exchange ideas and share experiences on a subject that will change the world of work forever.
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Why being online makes us happier – and why it doesn’t

In the 21st century, we use the internet for almost anything; from planning and dealing with day-to-day activities to finding answers to questions we would otherwise not have known. But just how important is our relationship with the internet?
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