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Project Happiness Articles — meditation

Blog posts from happiness experts, covering everything from gratitude, mindfulness, social emotional learning, altruism and service, wellness, freedom, forgiveness, social connection, purpose, soul, self-love, compassion, and everything under the massive happiness umbrella. Browse our blog posts, or write for us!

Forgiveness = Freedom: 7 ways to reclaim your life

No one can go through life without being hurt by another human - often it’s not intentional, but it can certainly feel that way. What do you do with those emotions? How do you transcend, forgive and move on?
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5 Ways You Can Use Music As A Tool For Better Concentration And Improved Mental Health

People often find themselves in stressful situations – whether it's work, school or home life. You have probably noticed by now that music has a positive effect on your overall well-being. When in stressful situations or in situations that require our focus, we often sing or hum to ourselves. However, there is much more to it!
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Why Self-Transcendence Deserves Discussion

Let’s begin with discussing some very important . Some of the most fascinating areas of human activity is the ability to progress above life situations and circumstances. Humans have this stunning and intrinsic ability to manifest things from within there internal functionality to the external world.
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8 Self-Care Tips for a Better Work-Life Balance

There's a common misconception that you can excel at work or at family life – not both. We tend to think of those people who seem to have it all together as some rare breed of a magical unicorn. We can’t possibly hold ourselves to those standards, can we? It’s an interesting question because it holds both the problem and solution: Standards.
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How Going on a Happiness Course Made Me Happier (But Not How You Think)

I used to be what you’d call extrinsically motivated. Meaning, when things went my way I was happy and when they didn’t, well, I was a pill. I didn’t get that allowing external circumstances (more often than not, beyond my control) to dictate my happiness was actually making unhappy...
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Why Millennials Are So Dedicated to Practicing Mindfulness?

The famous generation of young entrepreneurs, parents, and innovators – Millennials, sure have quite a reputation to uphold, and equally numerous stereotypes to debunk. They are slowly overtaking the customer throne from Baby Boomers, and are becoming the largest pool of consumers in the world. Many of them are still struggling with student loans, paying off their debt, and making their way in the competitive startup world, all at a single go.
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5 Fundamental Ways to Incorporate More Wellness Into Your Life

Wellness has become a bit of a buzzword these days, but what does it really mean? Clearly, it has to do with being well, but in order to achieve true wellness, we have to dig a little deeper. Wellness is a state of being healthy in the mind, body, and soul. You can work intensely on your physical fitness, but if you ignore your mental health, your body still will not be well.
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Hope In The Face Of Pain

In lieu of the two very tragic deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain this year, I want to remind all of you to be extra kind to one another for this is a perfect example of, “you have no idea what others are going through”. You may not feel that the subject of mental illness pertains to you, but it should, as more than likely someone in your life is going through something that you know nothing about.
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13 Benefits of Meditation and Self-Care for Better Living

Since ancient times, meditation has been used and still is, with the same enthusiasm, and for an excellent reason. Meditation has been considered one of the most efficient techniques to relieve stress and gain self-awareness. Not only that, almost every told benefit of meditation has been scientifically proven. 
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What Yoga And Mindfulness Can Teach Us About Career Clarity

Am I the only one who sometimes feels like my mind is racing at 120 km p/h?! It’s a mad-house in there most of the time. It is very difficult for us to think clearly, let alone think about a topic as complex as “career direction” when we are completely absorbed in our inner dialogue, self-criticism and general chatter.
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