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Project Happiness Articles

Blog posts from happiness experts, covering everything from gratitude, mindfulness, social emotional learning, altruism and service, wellness, freedom, forgiveness, social connection, purpose, soul, self-love, compassion, and everything under the massive happiness umbrella. Browse our blog posts, or write for us!

Attitude is Everything

There is a happiness conspiracy afoot and I’m starting to get concerned. Messages of happiness have been pummelling me from all directions. It’s barely noon and I’ve already seen happy-faced emojis sprinkled throughout my incoming text messages
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5 Reasons Why Keeping Your Home Organized is a Form of Self-Care

Most of the time we don't equate an organized home with strong mental health. We do not see how cleanliness can affect your participation in daily activities. However, being organized has got some very important benefits and you need to know about them.
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How Nature Rewires the Brain for Happiness

Most of us already have a subjective idea of the joyful feelings of being away from a crowded city, but you might not be aware of just how essential interacting with nature is for positive mental health. 
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5 Things You Must Give Up to Move Forward

Never forget that YOU are the only person able to change your life, and this list of things to give up will definitely help to reboot a whole new you. 
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It's The Small Things

One of my very favourite cartoons is this one from Michael Leunig. It's been on my page a number of times - and to me encapsulates sometimes how life is - and how - when things are very tough - it is the small things that get you through.
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Five Ways to Wellbeing

Make an effort to connect with friends, family, neighbours and strangers. Smile and make conversation at the supermarket, have a chat to the neighbour, phone a friend. Be brave!
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Gratitude: The Secret to Happiness

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.
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This is What a Great Friend Looks Like

But what does a great friend do that sets them apart? What can we do to make sure we are being the best friend we can be to those we love?
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Can Jumping Really Lead to Joy?

As I continued to jump on the trampoline with Annie and Jack, a rush of joy came over me, and it felt as though I had found the very thing I hadn’t even known I was looking for. I felt fully present.
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Standing at the Edge: My Pathway to Happiness

I was teetering at the edge, staring below at uncertainty; crippled by fear and exhaustion, yet knowing I must take a leap of faith. That leap was my only path now, because behind me, all I could see was a landscape painted with potholes.
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