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Project Happiness Articles

Blog posts from happiness experts, covering everything from gratitude, mindfulness, social emotional learning, altruism and service, wellness, freedom, forgiveness, social connection, purpose, soul, self-love, compassion, and everything under the massive happiness umbrella. Browse our blog posts, or write for us!

Gratitude Gravy

Thanksgiving is suffering from Middle Child Syndrome. Halloween rolls in like the younger sibling: full of charisma and charm, in full party-mode!  Christmas, obviously the older sibling, looms responsibly tall, revered and sacred. Thanksgiving?  Well...it's stuffed in the middle. Turduckenned.
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Be a Kindness AdvoCATe!

The more I read about how social media has become the new playground for bullying, the more inspired I felt to help spread kindness instead. Children were not only being bullied at school, but now had to deal with bullying long after they got home, because of social media. I came up with the idea of a kindness challenge so kids had a reason to turn to social media for a positive experience.
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Why Self-Transcendence Deserves Discussion

Let’s begin with discussing some very important . Some of the most fascinating areas of human activity is the ability to progress above life situations and circumstances. Humans have this stunning and intrinsic ability to manifest things from within there internal functionality to the external world.
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The Importance of Physical Wellness and How to Reach It

Wellness, contrary to belief, is not just about the absence of illness. There’s more to the quality of our life than simply not being sick, and modern-day living can sometimes make it difficult to remember this. We get stuck in that fast-paced chaos of work, errands, and appointments, and we barely notice how much it drains us, bit by bit, until we’re completely exhausted.
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So do you believe in Atlantis? Or would you rather believe in Nartec? Either way, believe in your determination and ability to survive, above all. The world around us may drown us with troubles we think we wouldn’t be able to handle, but we are stronger than we think ourselves to be and sometimes require our friends to remind us of that.
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Disconnect to Reconnect: Brain and Body during a Digital Detox

Who am I to preach? I spend a minimum of eight hours in front of my computer screen when I’m at work, and a couple of hours extra on my phone and in front of the TV when I get home. However, I’m well aware of the bad influence this has on my health, so I try to give my brain the opportunity to rest. It’s what digital detox is all about.
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Happiness From Personal Effort

I know that’s how I got through my undiagnosed celiac life. I was super focused on family, living by my mom’s example, and making sure everyone was healthy, a good person, and discovering the things that made them happy. That was my focus. It gave me this unbelievable strength. I could not fail, even when I was ill.
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Creating Your Ideal Life

Thoughts precede action! But the key word in that phrase is action. If we have our “ideal” life only in our heads and written out as lists that we look at occasionally throughout the year-we most likely will never reach our “ideal” self. 
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8 Self-Care Tips for a Better Work-Life Balance

There's a common misconception that you can excel at work or at family life – not both. We tend to think of those people who seem to have it all together as some rare breed of a magical unicorn. We can’t possibly hold ourselves to those standards, can we? It’s an interesting question because it holds both the problem and solution: Standards.
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How To Be In The NOW – Simple Steps For All Ages

Need more NOW in your life? Are you finding that you, or your kids (if you are a parent or work with children), haven’t enjoyed the present moment because you were all stuck in your thoughts? Have your minds run amok leaving your family in a haze of mental chatter, all the while missing out on the beauty of the present, the NOW? Well, if this sounds like you, or someone you know, here are some simple tips to come back to the NOW.
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