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Project Happiness Articles — giving

Blog posts from happiness experts, covering everything from gratitude, mindfulness, social emotional learning, altruism and service, wellness, freedom, forgiveness, social connection, purpose, soul, self-love, compassion, and everything under the massive happiness umbrella. Browse our blog posts, or write for us!

Gratitude Gravy

Thanksgiving is suffering from Middle Child Syndrome. Halloween rolls in like the younger sibling: full of charisma and charm, in full party-mode!  Christmas, obviously the older sibling, looms responsibly tall, revered and sacred. Thanksgiving?  Well...it's stuffed in the middle. Turduckenned.
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Shine Bright! Race For Wellness with Project Happiness

Are you feeling stalled-out in your health and fitness journey? I would like to invite you to join me and the #RaceForWellness with Project Happiness. There are a lot of amazing things about this event. It can be difficult to stay positive and maintain your creative juices if you’re feeling drained. That’s why it’s so important to put an emphasis on wellbeing and mental health.
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Is Yoga Really What Africa Needs?

Let’s start by addressing the question that comes up most when I share about the Africa Yoga Project: “Is Yoga really what Africa needs?” Although this question was once a source of frustration, I now see it as a great way to open up the conversation of what yoga is truly about and how our understanding has become limited in modern times.
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The Race For Wellness: Every Prize You Could Win!

We are so excited to announce our first big event - The Race for Wellness! Not only will you be supporting mental health and wellness programs, you have the chance to win $25,000 worth of prizes, and all you have to do is register! We have partnered with some incredible companies who have generously donated their programs and products to give to YOU! It's a thank you for your support.
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How To Feel Good About Yourself

When was the last time you did something for someone without being asked, without the thought of a reward or payment of any kind, and without anyone else knowing what you did? A few minutes ago? Last week, month, year? Ever?
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The Difference Between Being Nice and Being Kind

A few years ago I had a conversation with my cousin Stephen. We were catching up over lunch. He said something to me that was initially very offensive, and still sticks with me years later: "You are a really nice person, but it comes off very fake." Taken aback, I asked him to explain more. He shared that my perma-smile and optimistic attitude just didn’t feel genuine. He didn’t connect with my attitude.
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The Kindness Of Strangers

But I did take notice when, as we were lining up in the aisle to deplane, one of the boys smiled at me and handed me a folded up napkin. In truth, I almost tossed it away without unfolding it. But as I strode towards the exit, I indulged my curiosity. And found myself speechless.
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15 Habits Psychologists Have Linked With Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy, yet no one seems to know how to do it. The act of being happy has sparked a lot of discussion and thousands of studies have been conducted trying to solve the problem with happiness. Psychologists and scientists seem to have found the solution: little habits create big changes and lead to happiness.
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So, the unerring thought that hit me when I turned 50 was, “Why do I look old but feel 27?” I imagine most of us feel much younger but we adhere to society’s rules, pack away our padded shoulders, big hair and Jelly shoes and sit on the sidelines from now on in.
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Simple Ways To Help The People Next Door And Around The World

But despite finding ourselves in an environment of ever-increasing apathy and self-centeredness, there are actually a multitude of ways to generate a positive impact through practicing altruism, showing compassion, and most importantly, by taking real action.
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